Daedalus Versus Minotaur

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Daedalus Versus Minotaur logo
Released on April 12th 2023
Made by Orange Thief
Download: itch.io

An asymmetric multiplayer maze game of fast-paced building and solving!
-Orange Thief's game page[1]

Daedalus Versus Minotaur is an asymmetric multiplayer maze game by Orange Thief made in Pulp for the Playdate.


  • Alternate between building and solving mazes in the two player hotseat versus mode
  • Escape from randomly generated mazes in an additional singleplayer mode
  • Full screen 3D first-person gameplay
  • Fast paced rounds lasting 10 to 90 seconds
  • Separately adjustable build and solve times


Development was documented by orkn in a thread on the Playdate Developer Forum, with the earliest prototype shared in February 2022 demonstrating the custom movement logic and an early version of the first person perspective.[2] Subsequent posts covered refining the perspective[3] and rewriting the code to handle any room arrangement.[4] An early version of the game was made available on the forum in March 2022 [5] followed by the addition of player path tracing[6]. In April 2023 orkn bumped the thread having rewritten the game to be performant on device, which involved reappropriating the font table to include the first person graphics, displayed using text labels for efficiency.[7]
